Yoga experts say, the practice of yoga and meditation has been considered very effective for improving physical and mental health in school age children (6 to 12 years of age). Yoga improves physical balance and strength in children. The habit of Yoga For Children can provide psychological benefits. By making yoga as a part of your daily routine, you can protect children from many types of health problems.
Let us know which Yogasanas must be included in the daily routine of all children?

practice of sarvangasana yoga
Practicing Sarvangasana Yoga regularly is considered especially beneficial for children. This asana nourishes the cells by increasing blood flow in the brain, which is essential for a better mental state. This asana also strengthens the arms and legs. The habit of regular practice of Sarvangasana Yoga is considered beneficial for children for keeping the spine flexible and also for strengthening the shoulders.
Yoga For Children : There is no age limit for doing Yoga. There are many special exercises and yoga asanas for every age. There are some yoga asanas for children, through which their mental and physical development takes place. When children are small they are not even disciplined. In such a situation, they can be made disciplined through yoga. Through Yoga For Children’s body becomes flexible, which plays an important role in their positive development. Through yoga, children are attracted towards positive mentality, due to which they can become number one in both studies and life. Know about some such Asanas.
These 5 yoga asanas are beneficial for the physical and mental health of children, they will develop faster
Tadasana: According to the style craze, Tadasana is very simple and powerful. Along with strengthening the body, it also makes children mentally strong and disciplined. This can be like a fun activity and Yoga For Children.
Vakrasana: Vakrasana helps work on balance and calms the mind. Maintaining balance in this posture requires a lot of concentration. This asana gives relaxation to the mind and mouth. No special effort is required to do this, that is why children enjoy it.
Balasana: This is a grounding pose which is effective in calming the mind. This Asana also works as a restorative pose. While doing this posture, you should remain calm so that the children can do this posture peacefully after seeing you.
Sukhasana: Sukhasana is an excellent stress buster. It gives peace to the mind of the child and gives complete relaxation to the body. It is important for children to practice this. This leads to complete mental development of the child.
Baddhakonasana: This strengthens the ankles and lower part of the spine of the child. This asana looks like an open book, and children will have a lot of fun while doing this asana.