Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar


Virabhadrasana strengthens the tendons behind the knees, thighs, feet and ankles, because when the thighs bend forward, the weight of the body is transferred on them. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, thereby increasing internal strength. Due to increase in internal strength, we remain active for a long time.



This easy is beneficial for the chest and back of the body. By taking a deep breath and raising the chest upwards, more amount of oxygen mixes with the blood and pulses in different parts of the body. Oxygenated blood helps reduce obesity. It is also helpful in strengthening the hips.



This is a modern remedy which not only reduces obesity but also helps in strengthening the arms and legs. In this asana, one experiences strain on the abdominal muscles. This stretch makes the abdominal muscles flexible. By doing this asana continuously, the stomach becomes flexible and fat reduces.



Trikonasana for weight loss