- Duration 14 Days
- Language: Hindi/English
- Module: Residential with Meals
- Level: Beginner
- Certification: Yoga Alliance
- Style: Multi Style
- Date: 3rd - 16th of every month
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India
100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program is a beginner-level yoga teaching course in Rishikesh. A person who wants to know about the basic concepts and skills of yoga should start with either 100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh or 200 Hours yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh. This beginner-level yoga teaching course is designed for yogis who cannot complete 200 Hours Yoga Course in a single time frame. He or she can complete two 100 Hour yoga teacher training course and that will award them a 200 Hour Yoga teacher training course certification. This will eventually help in teaching yoga in every corner of the world. Moreover, this yoga teacher training course is all about introducing yourself to the art of yoga. During 100 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh yoga teachers helps you in learning the basic concepts and skills. After the 14 days of the yoga teacher training course, you can kick start your yogic career.
Yoga is considered the sublime way to maintain a streamlined flow of energy inside our body. Yoga is not merely limited to physical exercises, but it is considered as the complete overhaul of the body, mind, and soul. With the physical and mindfulness activities listed in the manual of yoga, one can achieve the ultimate happiness in their life. With the increase in the awareness of good health, yoga is considered to be the finest career path. Yoga in Rishikesh is always bliss for yogis as the inartificial and divine atmosphere of the place accelerates its benefits. Thus, a person opting for Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh always extracts the best out of it.
Overview of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
A 100 Hour Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is the shortest yoga teacher training course specially designed for yoga aspirants who cannot complete 200 Hours Yoga teacher training course in a single time frame.
He or she can complete two different 100 Hour Yoga teacher training course to qualify as a Yoga Teacher. 100 Hour Yoga teacher training course, however, does not help you in initiating your career as a yoga teacher but awards you a certification. This will provide an opportunity for the yoga aspirants to complete 200 Hours Yoga teacher training course in two different parts and start their careers as yoga teachers. It is a short yoga learning program that provides essential knowledge and skills to yoga students. This will help in understanding the basics and concepts of yoga. The serene natural surroundings and rich yogic heritage of Rishikesh multi-fold the learning process.
This certification program of yoga helps in receiving the overall yoga education. The course curriculum of the beginner-level yoga program includes Yoga Asana, Yoga Philosophy, Yoga Anatomy, Teaching Methodology, Meditation, and Pranayam techniques. Students during their course tenure learn about the art of teaching and class conducting techniques. Students delve into the philosophy and history of yoga, thus profounding their knowledge of yoga. They also understand the principles and roots of yoga. The training aspect of 100 hour Yoga teacher training course is a perfect amalgam of practical and theoretical segments of yoga. This will help in building proficiency and confidence in yoga teaching.
Asanas (Yoga Postures): Yoga Asana is the best means to promote strength, flexibility, balance, and integration of mind, body, and soul. You can't expect a yoga class with Yoga Asana or postures. These sets of physical postures come with unique benefits and focus on stretching and relaxation. Regarding all the styles of yoga, Yoga Asana emphasizes the importance of mindful breathing and proper alignment. They also aid in reducing stress, calming the mind, and improving concentration.
Pranayama (Breathing Techniques): It refers to the various breathing techniques that help in the regulation of the vital energy of our body. This practice helps in bringing mental clarity, spiritual awakening, and promoting physical & mental health of the human being. During Pranayama class, students will learn about various ways to control the depth, duration, and rhythm of the breath. This will help eventually in promoting the flow of prana, the life force in the body.
Meditation Techniques: Meditation is an ancient and profound practice that helps in bringing stillness to the mind and soul. This ancient practice helps bring inner peace and stillness to the mind and soul. For that, you need to find a comfortable and tranquil place to sit and perform meditation activities. Incorporating meditation activity into your daily routine helps in bringing emotional well-being and mental clarity. One can embark on a journey of self- transformation and self-discovery that brings harmony to the mind, body, and soul.
Relaxation & Yoga Nidra: Relaxation is not only getting a break from daily hustle and bustle, but it is the state of deep rest that helps in rejuvenating and recovering of mind, body, and soul. This helps in improving the overall quality of life, enhancement of focus, and most importantly reducing stress and tension. Yog Nidra is one of the most important and powerful relaxation techniques that guide a yoga lover into a state between slumber and wakefulness.
Yoga Philosophy: The philosophy of yoga helps in understanding yoga from ancient texts such as Patanjali Yog Sutras, Bhagavad Geeta, and many more. This will help in understanding the principles, basics, and history of yoga. It offers holistic yoga learning for proper understanding and embarking on the journey of self-realization. Yoga Philosophy helps a yogi to delve into the art of yoga gaining insights of the nature of existence, navigating life's challenges, and find inner peace.
Yoga Teaching Methodology Yoga Teaching methodology includes the practices and principles used by yoga instructors to encourage an engaging, safe, and transformative yoga learning experience. This class involves an amalgam of deep yoga knowledge, pedagogical skills, and a compassionate approach. This is one of the most important parts of the yoga teacher training course curriculum. It is a multifaceted and dynamic aspect of yoga teaching, as it ensures that each and every student practices yoga in a safe and effective way.
Practical Teaching Experience: Practical Teaching Experience is the first and foremost requirement of every yoga teacher training session. Even experienced yoga teachers continue their learning and practice to refine their teaching skills and deepen their understanding level. YTTC program organizes training programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities to sharpen their skills. A practical teaching session is a journey of continuous learning, connection, and adaptation that helps enrich the skills of students for the teaching world. The practical teaching of class conducting, Yoga Asana, meditation, Pranayama, etc. is the key to success in the field of yoga teaching.
Yoga Ethics: The Yoga ethics are not just limited to the class a person doing yoga must follow "Yamas and Nityamas" outside the class also. Yoga learning is a holistic approach that encompasses the various rules and regulations or Niyama to which a yogi is bound. Unlike other physical and mental exercises, Yoga requires proper Ethical values. Once a yogi, he or she must follow the Ethics (" Yamas " and " Niyamas" ) described in your yoga class. This will help in guiding action and behavior in and out of the class.
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh : Course Curriculum
- Meditative steps of performing Hatha Yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
- Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga flow – series 1
- Surya-Namaskara (sun salutations) – dynamic Surya Namaskara, Surya Namaskara with breathing awareness, Surya Namaskara with mantra chanting
- Types of Yoga posture- standing poses, sitting poses, backward bending poses, forward bending poses, spinal twisting poses, fire series, inversion poses, Shavasana
- Postural alignment and art of adjustment
- Counter pose
- Contraindications
- Science of breath
- Sitting postures for pranayama practice
- How to establish diaphragmatic breathing before pranayama practice
- 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing practices
- Types of pranayama – nadi shodhana pranayama, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma
- Relaxation in daily life
- Tension and relaxation
- Systematic relaxation
- 31 pints relaxation
- 61 points relaxation exercises
- Preparation for Yoga Nidra
- What is meditation?
- Meditation in daily life
- Sitting positions for meditation
- Two to five minutes of meditation
- So-ham mediation
- Introduction to anatomy and physiology
- The yogic study of the digestive system
- The effects of yoga practices on the digestive system
- Respiratory system
- The effects of yoga practices on the respiratory system
- Effect of yoga posture on muscles and systems
- Nadis (energy channels)
- Chakras (energy plexus)
- Pancha tattva (five great elements)
- Panchakosha (five sheaths)
- Pancha pranas(five vital energy
- General introduction: six schools of Indian philosophy
- Samkhya and yoga
- Intro of pattanjali yoga sutras
- Highlight of astanga yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi
- Introduction to Upanishad
- Lifestyle and yoga ethics
- The basic principle of ayurveda
- Basic doshas
- Tri-gunas
- Balance of the mind and Ayurvedic diet
- Jnana-mudra
- Dhyan-mudra
- Vishnu-mudra
- Hridaya-mudra
- Om mantra
- Morning mantra
- Guru mantra
- Meal mantra
- Gayatri mantra and more
- Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun
- Jala-neti
- Sutra-neti
- Lesson plan
- Assignments
- Practice teaching
- Feedback
- Group discussion
- Question and answer
- Homework
Yoga TTC Schedule
The 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Guru Yogshala follows a strict schedule in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards.
Time | Acitity |
05:00 Am | Wake Up |
06:30 Am - 07:30 Am | Shatkarma & Pranayama |
07:30 Am - 09:00 Am | Vinyasa flow Yoga |
09:00 Am - 10:00 Am | Breakfast |
10:00 Am - 10:45 Am | Yoga Anatomy |
11:00 Am - 11:45 Am | Yoga Alignment |
12:15 Pm - 01:00 Pm | Yoga Philosophy |
01:00 Pm - 02:00 Pm | Lunch |
04:00 Pm - 5:30 Pm | Ashtanga Yoga |
06:00 Pm - 7:00 Pm | Meditation & Mantra chanting |
07:10 Pm - 08:00 pm | Dinner |
10:00 pm | Lights Off |
Please Note: Daily schedule is subject to change on teacher's discretion

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh - Date
- Date Price Seats Booking
03-May-2024 to 16-May-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 02 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Jun-2024 to 16-Jun-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 03 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Jul-2024 to 16-Jul-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 02 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Aug-2024 to 16-Aug-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 04 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Sep-2024 to 16-Sep-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 06 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Oct-2024 to 16-Oct-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 02 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Nov-2024 to 16-Nov-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 04 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Dec-2024 to 16-Dec-2024
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 07 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Jan-2025 to 16-Jan-2025
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 03 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Fab-2025 to 16-Fab-2025
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 04 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Mar-2025 to 16-Mar-2025
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 09 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Apr-2025 to 16-Apr-2025
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 08 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-May-2025 to 16-May-2025
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 05 Seats Left Enroll Now -
03-Jun-2025 to 16-Jun-2025
Private : $999 USD
Shared : $899 USD Availability : 07 Seats Left Enroll Now
Accommodation & Food - 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
Food and accommodation play a crucial role in the proper yoga learning process. With a perfect facility of accommodation or a healthy diet, one cannot expect the best yoga teacher training program. This is the reason the best yoga schools in India focus on their accommodation and food. It ensures an enriching and comfortable experience during 100 Yoga TTC in Rishikesh. Moreover, these aspects play a prominent role in supporting mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Accommodation: There are various accommodation options available during your 100-hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, India, ranging from shared to private accommodation facilities. You can opt for either private rooms or simply shared dormitories in yoga schools and ashrams. Guru Yogshala focuses on keeping their accommodation premises away from the hustle and bustle. Our residential premises are equipped with 24-hour CCTV surveillance and an electricity backup supply. You can have amenities like attached washrooms, neat and clean bedding, hot water supply, etc. in our yoga school. Participants can choose accommodation according to their budget and preferences. It is designed in such a way that our students can get a yogic and tranquil atmosphere during their stay in Rishikesh. However, one must follow discipline and rules during their stay in Rishikesh. Alcoholic beverages and non-vegetarian food are strictly prohibited in our residential complex. Hygiene and cleanliness are our major concerns in accommodation and food facilities.
Food Facilities: We follow a sattvic and vegetarian diet during your stay in our yoga school. All meals are prepared from fresh vegetables and Indian spices, that too in accordance with the yogic limits. we have a common dining area where students eat together and share their experiences with each other. We include gluten-free options and fresh fruits in our diet. Moreover, we are very particular about the taste and quality of our food.

100 Hour Yoga TTC Certification In Rishikesh
For people seeking to profound their practice of yoga and willing to become certified yoga instructors, the homeland of yoga, Rishikesh is the perfect place. The vibes of the holy city help submerge in the ocean of yoga learning. The spiritual atmosphere, naturalistic surroundings, and presence of Maa Ganga help accelerate the yoga learning process. Yoga in Rishikesh is always a bliss to yoga aspirants and that too for the person willing to initiate their career of yoga. 100 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is one of the most trending options of the Yoga Teacher Training Program in Rishikesh. A person who has a limited time frame, but wants to learn the basics and concepts of yoga and start their yoga career can apply for this intensive program.

The course curriculum of the 100 Hours Yoga Learning Program in Rishikesh is a comprehensive one. The beginner-level yoga teaching course includes the fundamental aspects of yoga such as Yoga Asnan or posture, Yoga Philosophy, meditation, Breath control or Pranayama, Yoga Anatomy, and Teaching Methodology. Students during their yoga classes gain knowledge of alignment to ensure effective and safe teaching practices.
100 hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is a transformative experience that evolves your mental, physical, and spiritual personality which helps you to delve into the ocean of yoga learning. It helps in learning the principles of mindfulness, inner peace, and balance. Moreover, the serene and naturalistic atmosphere of Rishikesh which lies in the foothills of the Himalayas and banks of the holy river Ganga, add the spiritual essence to your learning. After completing 100 hour Yoga TTC, you will get a Yoga Alliance certification that will help you in tecahing in any corner of the world by completing one more 100 hour Yoga TTC program. This is designed for people who have limited time frame.
Excursion With This Course

What's Include
- 12 Nights Accommodation
- Course duration- 2nd- arrival - to 14th- the departure of each month
- 7 Hours to 8 hours classes Every day
- Room with Private Washroom
- Yoga Alliance Certification
- Free Yoga mat and props and other Yoga Equipment
- Orientation, flower decoration & Fire ceremony
- Study Materials - Books ( Asana Mudra Bandha Pranayama, Ashtanga Vinyasa, school hand book, notebook, pen, hand outs,)
- Jal Neti and Sutra Neti
- Yoga Class in evening at Ganga beach
- One Himalayan excursion and local excursion of Rishikesh
- 3 Daily nutritious Vegetarian meals
- Cultural Program in the closing ceremony
What's Not Include
- Private room (available per request)
- Air conditioner / Heater (available per request) Women herbal beauty, wearing by sharing and all others with the assistance of local ladies
- Ayurvedic treatment and healing training
- Fees for visa
- Pick up from New Delhi (available per request) Massages
Code Of Conducts For Students
Smoking and Alcohol are not allowed in the school.
To avoid food wastage we advise students to inform beforehand whenever they have fasting.
Students must maintain discipline and should pay respect to all teachers.
All participants must show punctual behavior and should arrive for classes on time. Those who come late will not be allowed for joining sessions.
Anything burrowed from school like books, or any goods must be returned on time
We provide accommodation only to participants and not their friends or family
Students have to maintain complete attendance.
Refund Policy
The advance payment and Course Fee made for the course is not refundable.
In some cases, we might arrange for joining some other yoga teacher training program. Our yoga school in Rishikesh accepts course cancellation but the advance payment and Course Fee made for the course will not be Refund.
What Students Say About Us
Students who have completed Yoga Teacher Training Courses from our yoga school always leave with a mesmerizing journey of yoga learning filled with learning, understanding, and fun.
There are not enough words to describe how amazing my time at the Guru Yogshala was. I spent a month in Rishikesh completing my 200 hour Yoga teacher training, and it was nothing less than transformative. Every single teacher I had was absolutely phenomenal; not only were they each extremely knowledgeable about the subjects they taught, but they were all eager to engage with each student and answer any questions we had. The food and staff were equally great...
Erica New ZealandI came in this school for a 200 hours TTC. I highly recommend the place, for various reasons. All the teachers have a very high level of standard in all the topics. The program is well adapted for this course. The yoga practice and the teaching of it are well conducted.The location is good for living a month in Tapovan. Easy access to shops, Ganga for meditation or holly bath, veg coffee, and so on. The food is good in the school, and I felt home and part of a family.
Laoise Brennan MaxicoOne of the best schools in Rishikesh India, for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh. Guru Yogshala with its finest Teachers, cleanest school environment with the best food and accommodations in town. An awesome experience. A home away from home with humble n loving people around. Love u all. No words to express my gratitude to all the teachers who helped and guided me through this wonderful journey. Thank you Pramodhji, Teachers and team.
Jim Tyler United StateYoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh

100 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh
100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program is a beginner-level yoga teaching course in Rishikesh. A person who wants to know about the basic concepts and skills of yoga should start with either 100 Hours or 200 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh.
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200 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh
200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is a beginner-level yoga TTC that helps in shaping your career. This is a 21-day Yoga Teacher Training Course that builds a strong foundation of yoga learning to kick-start your career in the file of yoga.
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Yoga Retreat In Rishikesh
Yoga Retreat Session is a fine and serene holiday with the benefits of the art of yoga. This yoga retreat session in Rishikesh is well known for providing calmness and physical benefits by including the benefits of yoga.
View details- Duration: 21 Days
- Language: Hindi/English
- Module: Residential with Meals
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Certification: Yoga Alliance
- Style: Multi style
- Date: 2nd - 22nd of every month
- Batch Size : 10-12 Students